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Honoring a Loving Wife, Mother & Sister named Monica Hornman Sibarium, a touching Memorial was created and installed in her memory within the Town of Cornwall, NY this Autumn.

Situated in Riverlight Park next to the Town Tennis Courts, this design pays homage to Monica’s love for the sport - and also the fact that she spent many happy hours of her youth on this site. Husband Jesse Sibarium and Brother Randy Hornman of Stylo Furniture & Design - my longtime friend and collaborator - commissioned me to craft the metal elements of this Memorial for Monica - which was designed by Architect Rich Librizzi. Monica’s Memorial features a wood and steel bench, a cherry tree encased in river rock and steel as well as a slab of bluestone that will be hosting a bronze plaque. Randy and Rich handcrafted the Alaskan Yellow Cedar seat, and Joe Penzias of Orange Nursery & Stone Supply handcrafted the Bluestone slab. A huge “Thank You!” goes out to Tom and his Crew from the Town of Cornwall’s Buildings & Grounds Department along with AJ and his Crew from the Town’s Park & Recreation Department for their incredible support installing everything! A true collaboration!

Photo credit to Randy Hornman. November 2022.

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